
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Brief Perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals

WRITTEN BY: Asanya Boluwatife Ndidi The unanimous agreement of the 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in 2015 produced one of the most ambitious and inclusive global aspirations in history. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Targeted at committing members states to ensure greater inclusivity, end poverty and push the world to a more sustainable path. The SDGs are broad and interdependent thus begetting the question as to how well these broad global aspirations are likely to result in implementable developments especially in developing countries. The inclusion of so many goals without a hierarchy of priority and without reference to inherent contradictions that are likely to result in conflict between the goals may have unintended negative consequences which may inhibit the timely/e...


There was a boy who loves to watch cycling but he didn't know how to ride a bicycle. For months all he could do was to think of ways to ride a bicycle.  Then, he chooses to tell his friends about is love for cycling. His friends were like "it is not possible for you to ride a bicycle, it is not for amateurs like you".  That thought discouraged him from giving cycling a try but yet he kept on watching cycling until the day he believed in himself that he can do it.  He said, "there is nothing bad in trying again and again". This was the conviction he had that walked him throughout his cycling career.  From the story, we could point out two things, which are: • Disappointment from friends • Conviction leads to a belief  He was left with a choice to listen to his friends or to his belief. Now, the question here is "what are your beliefs?"  Your beliefs are what led to a deep conviction within yourself.  Myles Munroe said  "a leader is made through a s...


Some African citizens have looked down on their selves to the point that their mindset has focused on them thinking low of themselves as nothing. That they can't make the impossible happen. Well this is a short information about why Circles of Africa was created Circles of Africa was basically created to organize talk shows and conferences for young Africans and also to empower young Africans who are not privileged enough to study and crater for themselves.  We hope we could do more to help young Africans, which has made us believe that we could change the narrative of Africa.  Our organization was coined out of the social beliefs among young Africans that "we are not as intelligent as the foreign countries, they only know what's best for us". Then we choose to create an awareness on leadership education as a way to shape the African mindset that "we can do more than we can ever imagine because all things are created in the mind and through the mind, the world wa...


There was a boy that was born and his parents throw him away to the ditch, a place where they were hoping that he could die because his parents were poor. So they had to give him up to the ditch.   After some days, a woman who was working at a waste management company saw the boy laid in a carton where he could have died. This woman took him and raised him has her son despite the odds she had in her family which basically means that she was poor as the moment she was raising the boy. She raised the boy throughout is kindergarten, teenage years, and till his adult years.  When this boy was in his teenage years, his teacher calls him "a blockhead" basically because he didn't have a good grade. He was humiliated in school to the point where he started thinking that he didn't amount to anything.  His adopted mother have always know him for his dream to be the best radio host in the whole of America.  His mother saw him after school hours at home. She met him crying ...


 Africa is a continent located at the South of the equator to cover more than 12 million square miles, making Africa the second largest continent.  Africa is a continent that is full of different languages.  Africa is made up of people who are dark in complexion. What binds us gobasically is the color of our skin.  Africans are unique people in their own being. They posess a good sense of humor. They are intelligent. What Africans are known for, is that they are hardworking and are creative people. Let's Evaluate Africa a little bit; From research we could find out that there are some similarities in all African countries flag. The common feature they have are; •White •Red •Green •Black.  Now let's interpret these from the aspect of graphics and branding. The major factor in graphics is that "whatever element you use in graphics has a message it is communicating". Now let's interpret the colours to identify what makes Africa, Africa. •White: a colour of perfect...


What is that ability or skill that you have? What are the qualities that makes you different? When we are talking about competence which is stated in Merriam-Webster dictionary as "the ability to do something well or well enough to meet a standard" It is an ability to be competent, which is having the necessary skill. For me I will say that "competence = excellence" What makes a leader, a leader are his ability and qualities. What qualities do you have? Now let's take a look at "competence vs excellence" Excellence develops when an individual recognizes his own adequacies and inadequacies, and is willing to grow by following, learning, and failing. If “Failure is not an option!” – then the best you will get is competence. If you must “prevent them from making mistakes” – then the best you will get is competence. In Africa the mistake make is that "we don't want to fail". We want everything to workout exactly the we expected it to be. We c...


Are you bothered about your job? Are people telling you it is impossible? Are you at the point of giving up? Have people told you NO? I have a message for you... Do you know that your dream that people have tried to talk you down or tried to talk you out of your dreams can cause a change in the lives of people? What most people see is the impossibility in your dreams rather than focusing on the possibility of bringing that dream to a reality. Do you know why? The answer is simple, they don't see it. They couldn't see that vision you have for the future that will bring a huge impact to the world but all they know is that you are a person with an idea and there is no possibility that your dreams and aspirations can become a reality. Don't let people talk you out of your dreams because they can't see it. You are the mastermind of your dreams because you are the only one that can bring it to a reality. Never give up! "Keep on pushing and keep on moving" Persistenc...


Giving is an act or expression of showing an act of gratitude to life. Giving is not just tied to material things. It is an expression of gratitude to life itself. There are different ways you can give, which are material and immaterial things. The most important part of giving is gratitude We get overwhelmed about things that are valuable which has contributed to our growth but we neglected the act of gratitude to life.  You can show gratitude by giving back to life through a life changing experience.

Stay Positive

Positivity is a conscious action that we need to  cultivate to change our world.  We get too occupied with the situation going on which has basically made us have a different perspective towards things which have affected our thoughts and also reflect on our actions. What the world portrays is mostly negatively which makes us respond to it automatically but the goodness is that there is always a solution to the problem, in the problem.  We need to make a conscious decision on our thoughts because your thoughts become your reality. For us to change our continent Africa, we need to cultivate a habit of being positive and not just focus on the problem but the solution in the problem. Stay positive

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